About SAT + SMT

SAT and SMT solvers are the backbone of a wide range of academic and industrial R&D activities today. These include software and hardware verification, logistics, planning, operations research, non-linear discrete optimization, model counting, machine learning, etc. Recent developments in the field suggest that these solvers may soon be leveraged in an even wider range of applications that touch almost all aspects of computing. Unfortunately, in India, the technical study of these solvers is limited to a few individuals/groups. This has hampered the growth of research and development in this area, both in the Indian academia and in the Indian industry. We organize the Indian SAT+SMT school every year in view of this gap. Each edition of the school typically includes a quick introduction to this topic, followed by tutorials on SAT+SMT solvers by eminent scientists and developers from around the world, and latest research and applications centered around these solvers.

The eighth edition of this school will be held during 15-17 December 2023, co-located with FSTTCS 2023 at IIIT Hyderabad! We expect the audience to include Ph.D./masters students and academics from colleges/universities, and engineers from the industry.



Tweet to us at @satsmtschool

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at: indian.satsmt.school@gmail.com

Important Dates
  • Regular registration deadline: December 5, 2023.

  • Talk/Poster submission deadline: December 3, 2023.

  • SAT+SMT school: December 15, 2023.


With sponsorship support from :

Qualcomm TCS Research